Saturday, February 25, 2012

Letter About Stars

30th June 2011

Hi love, I'm writing this on a plane right now it's 1.22 AM your time and it's 4.22 AM Melbourne Time. I was just finished watching a movie and after it's finished I look up the window and did you know what I saw? I saw a thousands and THOUSANDS OF STARS!! right by my window it was so close to me I can barely touch it grab one and take it home for you. This view is breathtaking :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How To Survive As a Single Fighter (My Version)

Setelah sekian lama jadi seorang single fighter, as time goes by, jadi mahir jadi seorang single fighter. Well, singer fighter itu istilah aku sendiri sih, biasanya kan jablay kan namanya, tapi dirasa terlalu hina julukan itu jadi males pake istilah itu, tapi belakangan disadari ada lagi yang lebih biadab dari jablay, dari salah satu website 9gag, single fighter lebih dikenal dengan forever alone, iya, emang terdenger lebih keren, tapi jauh lebih biadab dari pada julukan jablay.